Enviro has the capacity in every aspect to provide the latest technology treatment systems at a reasonable cost to fulfill the requirements of its valued customers not only for the purpose of providing day to day drinking water but also for industrial, commercial demands defined as process, laboratories etc.
Enviro is capable for providing of extended services to all customers who are in need of treatments for
Wastewater Treatment plants reduce pollutants in wastewater to a level that nature can handle. Wastewater means used water and it includes substances such as human waste, food scraps, oils, soaps and chemicals. In domestically, this includes water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers.
It is the ultimate responsibility of domestic as well as Industrial institutions to take care of the Nature by minimizing harmful waste to the environment that may hugely impact on saving pure consumable water for following industries
ENVIRO works with our customers to identify optimal solutions for a wide range of sewage treatment systems for reuse or for the safe discharge to the environment. Our services include option identification and evaluation, concept and detailed design & project management services. We also assist with customers with regulatory compliances & reporting with the following industries
Since Boiler, Cooling Tower & Chiller systems are integral part of process operations in many industries for continuous plant productivity we provide proper chemical treatments and preventive maintenance.
We help our customers to protect their valuable equipment from corrosion, scaling & bacteria fouling.
Chemicals for water & waste water treatments including